Matthew Isakowitz Fellow, Class of 2024

Princeton University, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Minor in Robotics and Intelligent Systems

Host Company: Redwire

Vraj Patel is a senior at Princeton University studying Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Robotics and Intelligent Systems. On campus, Vraj has been a part of the Princeton Rocketry Club, serving as a mechanical team lead for High Powered Rocketry, achieving HPR Level 1 Certification. Additionally, he served as the vice-chair for Princeton's AIAA chapter, creating internship panels and speaker series that enabled the Princeton aerospace community to connect with other interns and employees from various aerospace organizations. Previously, he interned at Maxar Technologies, creating prototype designs for communication subsystems for various programs, including NASA’s Power and Propulsion Element module, DISH Network’s Echostar25 satellite, and L3Harris’s T1TRK bus. He is interested in space technologies that will allow advanced space exploration and research, including asteroid mining and microgravity manufacturing. Moving forward, Vraj intends to pursue a master's degree focusing on the intersection between space robotics and space system design. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, playing soccer, and listening to music.

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