Matthew Isakowitz Fellow, Class of 2022

University of California, Berkeley
, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science

Host Company: Blue Origin

Shaan Jagani is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering and Material Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He currently serves as a research assistant in the university’s material science department and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Material Science Division, working to improve the mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites. On campus, he has served as a propulsion and composites engineer on Space Enterprise at Berkeley, developing the university’s first liquid rocket engine. Furthermore, he has served as the lead structural analysis officer of Cal Concrete Canoe. Previously, Shaan has completed an internship at Astranis, working on the design, analysis, and implementation of monopropellant and electric propulsion systems. Drawing from his passions for space exploration, material science, and rocket propulsion, he hopes to pursue graduate studies in novel manufacturing processes applicable to the future of liquid propulsion design. He is also currently on the university’s fencing team and enjoys baking, music, and engineering passion projects.

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